Cake is Good Food

To know me is to know I love cake to the point of making it my favorite food group.  Yes, I feel that cake is important enough to have its own food group.

Here it is, a list of cakes that I have been served that are beyond memorable:

1. Kyle’s birthday cakes (with the exception of this past year). One of his grandmother’s friends has made the most amazing, flavorful cakes for his birthday celebrations. Not only are they amazing to eat, but they are always beautifully decorated as well. Unfortunately, this friend had moved so for his 7th birthday this year they had to purchase a store bought cake.

2. The cake Shannon served for Justin’s birthday in the late 90s. A tip: if you want to know if a bakery is good, try a piece of their chocolate cake. If the cake is moist, it is a good bakery as chocolate is one of the most difficult to make as some tend to be on the dry side. This cake that Shannon picked up in Westwood (I asked, she could not remember the name, just the city) was beyond moist, delicious and second piece worthy – if there had been any left over.

3. SP’s third birthday cake from Porto’s. This one was similar to the one Shannon purchased from Justin: an extremely moist chocolate cake. This one gained extra points for using a raspberry filling that I loved – important because I normally do not care for raspberry filling in cakes. Also, you really cannot go wrong with a Curious George themed cake.

4. Sue’s wedding cake was an outstanding flavor, almond I believe. Unfortunately due to the fact that this was a wedding, there were sober servers making sure that every guest received a cake of equal size. Unfortunate because if it had been drunks serving it, I would have been able to get a larger size, multiple pieces even. How good was this cake? A friend’s husband and I were attempting to see if we could locate any untouched pieces on nearby tables to snag to eat.

5. The tres leeches cake for Starla’s baby shower will hopefully go down in history as the worse cake I have ever eaten. Hopefully because I really do not want to be served a cake that rates below the runny mess that we were served. I feel bad, but I think I have mentioned before to her that it was not good. I know I am not alone in feeling this way though: her shower was the only party I have been to where the trash can was filled with barely touched pieces of cake. In fact, I did not even finish my piece. That rarely happens. Actually, there is one good thing to come from this cake:

When I sat down at the table after getting my rather large piece (my reputation preceded me), I noticed that my Dad was quietly sitting with his piece still on his plate. I thought it was his being nice, letting me finish his piece (I have been known to do clean up if it is particularly good). No. He wanted to see me take my big bite so that he could laugh at the face I made when I got a taste, which was I believe similar to the one made by Tom Hanks’ character in Big when he discovers that he has eaten caviar. As I was spitting out my piece into my napkin (no, I could not even swallow it), he told me that he thought it was bad and could not wait to laugh. What else could I do at that point except point out the fact that my Aunt was approaching with her piece. There was nothing like seeing my Dad’s face as he waited for his big sister to take her first bite – except for seeing her reaction before forcing herself to swallow. We basically went around the table waiting for others to take their bites to watch their reactions. Yes, there is nothing like an activity the whole family can enjoy together.

For the record: Starla wanted a white cake with strawberries as a filling, but the person throwing the shower thought she would like the tres leeches more. Even I know not to go against the pregnant lady’s wishes!