The Scarlet Letter

In this instance the letter would be “S,” not “A.”

I have no problem admitting to the fact that I had a few backdated posts due to starting the NaBloPoMo challenge a few days late. However, I am struggling with the fact that I have indeed used the schedule function for some posts.

Whether I like it or not, the best time for me to post is in the evening, even on the weekends. I am unsure if it is because this has become a method for me to unwind after the work day, or after a day spent running around trying to mark errands off my “to-do” list, but the evening works best. I find that by the time I do get around to sitting down to write I have settled down enough to be able to concentrate without worrying about the bills I need to pay that evening – mainly because I make various calls, write the emails, etc. before sitting down at the keyboard.

Unfortunately this means that there have been a few cases where I have scheduled entries to post while I knew that I would be away from the computer. While there are some cases where I could technically make the midnight deadline, I worry that it would be rushed, a half-assed entry done just to technically say that I have participated so that I could finish something else that is at the back of my brain.

Is it wrong to schedule something in advance? I am sure that others with real blogs that have audiences and tackle important subjects use the feature. I am also sure that others would attempt to note when they are using the feature, much like I have noted when I made a backdated entry. Would I feel less guilt if I did this, if I marked each as being a scheduled entry?

More importantly, why do I feel the guilt? I am actually writing these entries myself, not relying on others to help. I am just possibly writing two on one day so that I can see my cousin’s kids play football without having to worry about rushing home to make a post. Yet I still feel the guilt, as if I am defeating the purpose of deciding to participate in NaBloPoMo because I am not writing on one of the days. There must be something wrong with me to feel bad about this, correct?

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