Been a Long Time Since I . . .

To be honest, this was to be posted a week ago today. Life is such that I am only now getting around to writing this little bit of wordage.

Also to be honest, I have been busy. Very busy. In fact this past weekend was the first were I was not running around completely booked since mid-August. Some of it has been fun (no, most has been), some days filled with errands, others with obligations, which I am completely over.

Again in the honesty vain, I have become interested in just trying. Saying yes to invites if I have nothing planned – not due to interest, but due to keeping busy, seeing if there are things that I find myself introduced to that I do want to learn more about. This is not always the case, but why not let myself see if there is some new item that I must find out about.

Such is the case with Common Core. To my Mother’s dismay I have been bothering her for worksheets to introduce myself to the Common Core method of teaching that is taking place these days. She is horrified that the school she is working in has included it in their curriculum, as well as the fact that I have found myself curious enough to want to learn how to do math under their rules. I do not have a child under my guidance (for this, some are grateful), so learning the method is just for my own curiosity. I understand that many are not happy (e.g., my Mom, who works at an elementary school), but I find that I cannot make a solid pro / con argument until I learn more about the method, which is why I am bothering for worksheets to work from when I have the rare free moments.

Other things I would like to do with my free moments:
Catch up on my reading – unlike last year, I have completely lost interest in finishing anything more than a chapter in most of my books.
Reorganize the bookshelves – filled with books that I swear I will read one day.
Upload photos from a vacation taken in the Spring.
Clear out the DVR of programming to make room for other programs.
Actually write the post that I intended to post when I signed on to write an update.

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