Where is Emily Post When You Need Her?

I am unsure of why or how this happened, but I have become the “witness” at work, the person who, for some strange reason, needs to listen to the petty issues or look at the things that are found. The issue I have with this: the issues or found items rarely have something to do with anything I am attempting to do for work.

I feel the need to state now that I have no problem with helping out when I have the time. I have been known to throw in a needed hand when I have a few minutes to spare to aid someone with their job. I believe in lending a hand when you are able as it makes for a better workplace. However, back to the just realized position, I do have a problem when I am swamped with my own work.

It seems that having a stack of mail to sort through once I am done with returning phone calls left on the machine means nothing compared to having to see something left on a carpet. No, this is not something that Hudson (the Golden Retriever who is the true boss of the company) has left, but some random spot. All I can think of now is how guilty one’s conscious must be to pester someone to look at a spot while claiming that they are not responsible.

I also wonder why when I walk in the door it immediately becomes “listen to my problems at home” time when obviously there are things that need to be taken care of to start the workday. Is it rude to say, “I do not care?” I do not want to resort to this, however when one is following me to my desk, and refusing to take the hints of turning on the computer and grabbing papers from the previous workday, is this what I need to do?

Now I am wondering if this is just an issue with me – maybe I should stop and listen. Join in as I listen to the personal problems, support when needed. Then again, when I have done it, I end up spending way too much time listening to every issue. Worse, when I attempt to bring in my personal experience to either make a point or show I understand, I am talked over and / or ignored.

It is issues like this that make me truly appreciate Hudson in the workplace. Is it any wonder that I tell people that there are days where he provides me with the most intelligent conversation?

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