Here I Sit

It seems oddly appropriate that I am sitting at home today, on the final day of NaBloPoMo. To me this whole exercise has been a way to unwind, a way to reflect and, most importantly, to spend time away from running around to stop and write. Why is it appropriate that I am home today to write then?

I realized earlier today that this is the first weekend that was not filled with plans or errands leading up to forthcoming plans. I honestly have not had a weekend which was spent doing nothing since the summer. I’ve been lucky enough to be invited out of town for a couple of weekend trips, I’ve also been honored with invites to various parties, one of which involved my having to spend a weekend searching for a costume. There were a few birthday celebrations for myself that friends surprised me with, as well as a night honoring my parents’ anniversary.

What does this all mean, other than I really needed this one weekend with nothing to do? It means that even with so much going on, both in terms of pleasure and pain, I have made the time and effort to post each day. Even those days in which posts were made using the scheduling feature involved my observing things around me to see if I could find something that could inspire a future post.

What I am finding is that there are no excuses for neglecting making future posts. Before I would say that there is no time. Now I know this is not the case. If I decide to not post it will be due to choice. After all, even I can admit that some of these ramblings this past month were made just to mark the daily post off the list. Now I do not feel that pressure – I can post whenever I feel the need. In fact, in continuing, which I feel as though I will do, I have a feeling that any posts that are made may have a bit more substance.

In the meantime, I am off to enjoy another cup of tea. Some may call it a celebratory cup, but I call it feeding the addiction.

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