Head Hurts

Or at least my mind . . .

This was not the post that I intended to make tonight. I had an idea of what to write. Today does not allow it, not with the headache I have been struggling with most of the day.

It is 9:18 as I type this, at least according to my laptop that is the time. I am already in my pajamas. I have washed my face, brushed my teeth and flossed. Yes, I have given up on the night, but not on writing.

This is an accomplishment, correct? The fact that I am over today, but not over writing?

I was stuck behind a few red lights during the drive home, each light showing the silhouette of a person through their work window. I assume it was work – they were in office buildings, but I may be making assumptions. I wondered if each person realized that people like me were watching them, not in a peeping Tom way, but in a distracted way that involved possible stories behind what they were doing.

Women in a skirt was putting something in the cabinet beside the wall to hide presents from her children. She hoped that they would enjoy the effort she was putting forth, but deep down knew that she would get the looks of resentment.

Man was busy standing, adjusting his shirt and tie because of a date he was nervous about. What if this was a waste of time that could be spent finalizing his fantasy line-up? What if it wasn’t, but unfortunately would lead to his having to suddenly make plans for New Years that did not involve getting a pizza and beer with friends? Oh, why did he agree?

The stereo was my enemy thanks to this headache. Normally it keeps me company. Tonight it did nothing but add to my pain – and this was not due to not liking the music coming in.

So thank you, thieves who stole our bills from the work mailbox on the 7th. Thank you for causing me to spend my day dealing with 3 different bank accounts to find out what had been cashed, what the process of stop payment was and for letting me have the joy of contacting each company that was owed a bill that was mailed that date.

Oh, if only the boss was into doing electronic payments on-line.

One day he will listen and know that it is ok to pay this way. Hopefully I will still have some level of sanity when that day comes.

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