It is horrible to admit, but there are certain things that I now expect when I go to the gym:
- People incorrectly using the equipment.
- Individuals who decide that it is best to work out in jeans, and not clothes that I would consider to be more comfortable.
- The man with the comb over who wears inappropriately small shorts (we’re talking 70s basketball short length).
- The surly female groaning loudly when people approach who smell (that would be me; see below about the smell).
- People who think it is best to use equipment such as the treadmill or elliptical while wearing flip-flops.
Occasionally I am surprised by others there, such as the couple that used the same hours I am there to practice for a dancing competition. I enjoyed watching them improve, work toward their goal and see how well their routine matched whatever it was I was listening to at the time. Amanda Palmer worked great for their routine; Queens of the Stone Age not so much. They stopped coming a few months ago, or at least using the empty workout room that I use certain days. I do hope that they scored well as they truly did improve.
In any event, this is not about them, but about the person I recently encountered. While I am used to people using headphones, and occasionally can hear people slip and sing along to the music being played, this man was different. For I have never heard anyone belting out songs from a musical. No, not somewhat quietly, but as in singing as loud as he could. People on equipment a row over who were using headphones were turning around to glare at him. Others were moving to other machines in an attempt to find a quiet spot (impossible – boy could sing). I just stayed somewhat close due to the fact that the good machine (i.e., the one with a vent angled to hit it) was nearby. More importantly, he was not the most annoying person I have been near at the gym.
I am unsure of what musical he was rehearsing as it was not a song from Rocky Horror or Hedwig (I know both soundtracks quite well). I do know that a woman who attends the gym had no problem working out right next to him and was very excited about his song selection. How did I know this? Well, I only know that he was rehearsing due to her asking him why he was singing. I also know that she was excited because of the fact that she joined in to help. Yes, even though she did not have the music, she knew the song well enough to sing-along loudly with him – something that he appreciated as he then began to sing even louder. Yes, encouragement was all that he needed.
For the record:
The most annoying people: no, not the ones who basically stand / sit on the machines in order to chat with their friends and do not really work out while at these machines. The annoying people are those that I can hear perfectly well even with the noise cancelling headphones and the music turned up high. Yes, I get those lovely people who basically yell at each other, even if they are standing in a close circle.
Also, the smelly guy mentioned above: One expects a certain smell due to people working out. However this one man who decided to use the machine next to me one time actually caused me to gag. I had only 15 minutes left of an hour work out, which is why I thought I could handle the stench. I ended up having to breathe into my sweaty towel for air. The person who approached to use the machine on his other side took one whiff, gave a dirty look and left. I swear. Where is the Febreze when you need it?
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