
I am a TV junkie. I have no problem admitting this fact. I find that it is greatest way for me to unwind after dealing with traffic: just sit back and watch fictional characters deal with their problems. I look forward to certain shows, and do get upset when dealing with scheduled hiatuses for holiday programming. I also have no problem watching the older shows over and over in repeats, nor with repeated viewing of newer shows (thanks On Demand!).

It is because of this honesty of being a TV junkie that some people make assumptions on what they feel I should be watching. I do not watch based on what is deemed as must see, I watch for reasons as varied as the genre, recommendations from some friends or even because of certain actors / characters being on the show. In fact, I watched Law & Order: Special Victims Unit due to Richard Belzer’s character John Munch being carried over from Homicide: Life on the Street (one of my favorite shows).

Still, some people have problems believing that I did/do not watch the following:

Game of Thrones
The Walking Dead
99.8% of reality programming
Vampire Diaries
True Blood

Of the above, I am most offended by the reality programming surprise. When I counter that while I do not watch the Basketball Housewives wrangle their multiple children as part of a cooking competition but do watch a show titled Ex-Wives of Rock featuring exes of “hair band” musicians, I have to admit to being amused by the look of disgust on faces. I guess it is ok to watch competitions than watch people I used to see in magazines I read while in high school?

All I can say is that while the above does not interest me at this time, there is no telling if I will go back and attempt to watch at a later date. After all, I only saw Buffy the Vampire Slayer a few years back – and I loved that show. Who knows, maybe one day I will try to watch The Sopranos again (I only got half-way through). Then again, if there is a Friday Night Lights marathon on, I’m going to have to cheer on the Dillon Panthers.

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