The Fork in the Road

It was about 5 minutes ago that I realized that I needed to make my daily post. This was followed by a quick glance at the calendar which informed me that I am basically at the halfway point of NaBloPoMo. Before the glance I was wondering what I would write about, but now? Now I think I know.

As mentioned before, I turned to NaBloPoMo as I did want to return to writing, but knew that I did not have a novel in me to participate in NaNoWriMo. While I have had some thoughts about ideas for a story, there has not been the excitement that I experience when attempting to think of topics for the daily blog. This is where I feel NaBloPoMo is a success for me: I really am enjoying setting aside the time to make these posts. In a way, it feels as though it is a guaranteed block of time for myself. Normally when I do set aside time it is spent watching the TV (either shows or movies) or reading the words of other people. Now? Now it is setting aside time to feel as though I am accomplishing something – true, it is not a cure for a disease, but it does feel good when I hit the publish button.

I also am enjoying the fact that I feel the wheels in my head turning, trying to find various things to write about that may seem interesting to anyone who stumbles across these entries. While at the soccer game today I found myself trying to observe even more than usual, attempting to see if there was anything that might inspire a post. Any conversations with friends now have me paying extra attention to lines being said in a way that I have not noticed since the unfortunately brief period where I carried a notebook to write random quotes I heard while out.

True, there are days that I struggle, attempt to find something to write about, but overall? Overall I am finding that I am usually able to blather on about when I log into the admin page of the site. The first sign of the struggle was when I was attempting a bit of catch up the first week, which lead me to use that first Friday that I participated (the 8th) as my first “5” post, 5 partially in honor of Rob Fleming and his own Top 5 lists. Well, it was this struggle to catch up along with attending a high school football game that made me decide that this was a way to get an entry for the day. When writing my backdated posts I did attempt to write something that related to that date in particular, either something realized or something that had happened. I unfortunately could not come up with anything when attempting to find something for the 1st, I had nothing other than the first football game I went to, which lead to another 5 list. Since then, I made the decision to turn Fridays into my own personal 5 post day, something continued yesterday and hopefully for the next 2 weeks. I have an idea for one of the weeks, but am lost as to the other.

There are still only a very select few that know I am doing this, which is the way I am keeping things for now. One person who has suggested 2 posts that I may actually write about knows I am doing this, but has no idea of the site’s link. If she asked I would provide it, but I am not ready to do so yet. Actually, if most were to ask directly, I would not have a problem sharing, yet for some reason I just am not ready to put it out there for all to read the random crap in my head. Unfortunately, I am just not that brave yet.

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