Sad . . . but True

Things that have happened to me:

1. I have been sat on while sitting in a chair at the movie theater. Twice. Both times while the lights were still up in the theater as the movie had yet to start.

2. When I was still a child I had two large plastic cups of beer spilled on my head while at a Renaissance Faire. This is largely the reason why I am not that interested in attending a Faire as an adult.

3. My appendix burst after riding Star Tours at Disneyland. At least it was a respectable ride. Can you imagine if it had happened after the Jungle Cruise?

4. I have had the power go out right before having a dental procedure.

5. I have had the unfortunate experience of walking through a stranger’s fart. Twice. Both times at off-price retailers (e.g., Ross – though this did not happen at a Ross). Each time I left immediately, loudly complaining as to the reason why I found it necessary to leave. What can I say except that I did not want to be blamed for the scent.

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