Lessons Learned

There are very few reasons I will watch sports: White Shadow reruns, Friday Night Lights reruns (I just cannot get into the film, but love the TV show) or if Adam Sandler is involved. One may add the football scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High to the list, but as that is such a small part of the film, I can see why some might not include it in the list. Yet even with my complaining when there are too many basketball or football scenes in my media that I am enjoying, I have found myself spending the last two Fridays at football games. High school football games to be exact.

To be clear: I only went to one football game while in high school. This was largely due to one important fact: my cousin was playing for the freshman team, and I wanted to be supportive – as well as wanted a ride home from school. What happens the day that I decide to attend? He forgot his cleats, which if you are like me and needed to have it explained why this is a big deal, are the shoes that he has to wear when playing the game. All was not lost though: I have a memory which I can use to torture him until I die. Let’s face it, if he goes before me, I will still tell the tale in his memory.

The interesting part of this is that the reason that I have been attending football games these past two weeks is because of my cousin’s two eldest boys (who did not forget their cleats at either game I went to). I love all of my cousins’ kids, but am closest to these four (they have two younger brothers). Close enough to babysit, close enough to want to spend time with, close enough to know that there is no escaping seeing a sport being played in person.

I’ve spent years sitting through t-ball, basketball, soccer and now football half-watching, mostly cursing at not timing my arrival to the last half hour of the game. What have I learned through these games:

-When they are young, they do not like to keep score of the games because they are still learning how to play. Guess what? Ask any parent and they will tell you what the unkept score is – and if it is a male parent, he will be shaking his head over the “not keeping score” rule.

-You will always remember the kid who clearly does NOT want to be out on the field. In soccer his name was George. He would spend the games spinning around, looking away from the field, doing everything possible to avoid the ball. The one time George kicked the ball it was on accident. I am unsure if he was scared by the fact that he came into contact with the ball, or the fact that everyone watching cheered for him, since we all knew about George at that point.

-You can never count on their being a George to keep you entertained at sporting events.

-It is not wise to make a joke involving the film Seven when you spot a box on a field. Some parents do not appreciate it, especially when they have seen the film.

-Kids are NEVER too old to want their traditional batch of their favorite homemade cookie at their games. Side note: it will be rare for the kids who have games on the same day / time to have the same favorite cookie.

-If the sporting event is held at a church the desire to cuss increases.

-No matter how disinterested you are in the game, it is worth it when they smile over the fact that you came to see them play. Even after all of these years, I still am among the first round of hugs and smiles from the high school Senior and Sophomore when they done with their games – and this is before they see that I have their cookies in my bag.

By the way next Saturday? I have the youngest’s soccer game.

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