500 Hours of Internal Errors

True, it was more along the lines of 72 hours of dealing with the 500 Internal Error message that I received when attempting to set up this blog to participate in NaBloPoMo, but at times it felt as though it were 500 hours. You see, although I did consult the opinion of one of my friends, I still was nervous about committing myself to writing every day for the month of November. There are so many other things to distract me, especially as it is difficult to find enough time in the week for work, errands, reading and watching my NetFlix movies. However my desire to write, or rather to begin to write again, was too strong. It was this desire that made me ask my friend as I do sincerely value her opinion, and thus her words encouraging me to take on the challenge meant the world to me.

To be frank, I have had this URL (as well as a few others) for some time. Have I done anything with the URLs I own? Let’s just say that I actually opted not to renew a few of them this year as it seemed ridiculous to keep paying for something that deep down I knew I would not use. I kept this one, as well as another that I have not used as of now, due to wanting to believe that I would eventually do a blog.

After signing up on the NaBloPoMo site, I found myself attempting to write my initial entry. I also made the decision that I should make up the few days that I had missed due to only finding out about this challenge on the 3rd, when I read Melissa Kay Allen’s post about her participation. In the middle of my attempts what happens? The dreaded 500 Internal Error message on my server – a message that not only appeared on this site, but also on the WordPress admin page. I had no idea how I would access anything, or if anything had saved. It took a support request to my server to make me realize that I could still write something, but that I could just save my blathers as a document, for posting once everything was up and running. Unfortunately, the support system in place was taking much too long, which lead to a lovely [read as infuriating (for both of us) live chat] that lead me down the correct path that ultimately lead to this site now being accessible for me to write on, as well as for anyone to stumble across.

One important thing that I learned during this ordeal: I really do want to participate in this challenge. I could have easily made a million excuses as to why I could not write due to server issues. I could have decided to just play online (I have recently made the unfortunate discovery of slot machine games) instead of writing quick entries in Word. Instead I was determined to not only fix the issue, but to also attempt to write while dealing with my 500 Internal Error.

The only unfortunate side to this: I really am unsure of what I will write about. This site will be, for better or worse, as random as the thoughts that appear in my head while driving in traffic.

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