You Will Be Mine. Oh Yes, You Will Be Mine!

It all began with the usual mind wandering while in the shower. Instead of getting stuck with an ear worm (more often than not Montell Jordan’s “This is How We Do It”), today it was the memory of an item that I wanted to purchase: a Spock monkey.

Yes, it is a sock monkey that a friend of mine likely regrets ever sending me the link for as I have periodically brought up the fact that I need one. While I have a sock monkey dressed as a pirate (peg leg and eye patch included), I cannot stop thinking about the sock monkey dressed up as Spock. Yes, the person on Etsy did make one dressed as Captain Kirk, but there is just something special about the Spock version. Is it his hair? His eyebrows? No – it is his ears. There is just something great about a Spock sock monkey with Spock ears. I need this monkey. One day it will be mine.

For the record, yes, I did send Rita a message before I left for work so that she would know that I have not forgotten. She did what was to be expected: she let me know that she also had not forgotten. Her not forgetting may not be due to wanting one herself, but due to my harassing her about its existence on a semi-regular basis.

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