Due to being smart enough to subscribe to the blog posts of one Melissa Kay Allen, I have just discovered the existence of NaBloPoMo.
I had participated in NaNoWriMo once before (twice if you count the year I decided to spend a day staring at the screen and then gave up). I did spend part of last year contemplating whether or not I had a story in me that I wanted to tell so that I could participate again this year. It turns out that I do not. Perhaps next year, but this year I am a clean slate.
The idea of NaBloPoMo appeals to me for many reasons:
1. I feel as though I have enough blather in me to be able to post each day in November.
2. This actually is something I had considered doing in the past – forcing myself to write each month in an attempt to confront the blank page.
3. I can use photos! YES! Photos! Who hoo! Some may consider this cheating, but I consider it a way out if I am drained after work, but am at least able to post an image for all* to appreciate.
Today is the 4th. If I do this, I will attempt to back-post entries for the first three days of the month. I will note when the back-posting is done, just for the sake of honesty.
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