I Was Wrong

A few years back I voiced my fear that my life would turn into a Buzzcocks song. While I am a fan of their music, and loved them when I saw them live, it is quite understandable why one would not want their experiences to mirror their lyrics. I was wrong. Not about having that fear, but about the band. I should be thrilled to think of my life being associated with the Buzzcocks, especially when I realized the truth while driving this evening.

While preparing for an evening out celebrating the birthday of one of my friends I was chatting with another friend. We were going back and forth about our individual plans for the evening as well as general nonsense (as friends tend to do). When I mentioned the name of the restaurant we were meeting at Rita informed me that I should order a Pina Colada from the bar, as we had just mentioned how she had them the night before to honor her grandfather as he enjoyed that drink while he was alive. It was this thought of a virgin Pina Colada (I do not drink and drive) that gave me the extra shot of energy needed to get me out the door.

40 minutes later I was still sitting in traffic, cussing out the cars surrounding me as I tend to do when stuck in traffic for no reason. While keeping an eye on the clock in the car I could not help but think of being late for the birthday party, but also about the virgin Pina that was in my future. I happened to glance up and noticed that the sky seemed a bit overcast, which provided me with the only bit of happiness in my car as I love nothing more than when it rains. It was a good 10 minutes after that moment of happiness when I realized the unfortunate truth: my life was actually a Rupert Holmes song.

Much like the husband who got all hot & bothered while reading the personal ad in “Escape,” I am not into yoga and have half-a-brain. I also like the rain, and (obviously) pina coladas – although champagne is good. Of all the things in the world why must it be this song? True, there are others that I can claim to identify with, but this one? Why must it be Rupert Holmes damn it?

Side note: I did not bother with ordering a virgin Pina Colada at the restaurant.

Backdated post.

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